Friday, January 2, 2009

ex nuns - new club - phoenix

ex nuns is the new fortnightly club from the guys that do sex and glue and party harder than you do

we are hugely excited to have scored phoenix bar to run this party in and we are sure you will be all over this shit like a bad rash

ex nuns will be running on the 16th and 30th of january and then move to the second and fourth friday of every month with resident dj's, special guests, drink specials, after parties and general mayhem till long after you've given up and called it a night

we are looking for promoters to help out with getting the word out. if free entry, $ and drink tickets sound like your thing send an email to

upcoming ex nuns dates:
friday 16th january (launch night)
friday 30th january
friday 13th february
friday 27th february

phoenix - 34 oxford st, darlinghurst - below spectrum

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