Tuesday, May 26, 2009

party pix - sex and glue - may 15

p*a*s*h brings down the house feat. up to our hips djs (q bar) - saturday may 30 - the exchange hotel

It's that time of the month again, where we here at UP TO OUR HIPS team up with the legendary P*A*S*H crew with a little help from ANYTHING GOES to bring you a debaucherous night of mayhem you won't forget (or remember) until this time again next month.

Get down to the Exchange Hotel this Saturday as P*A*S*H BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE across three big rooms.

Spectrum will see P*A*S*H indie anthem legends KNIFE and STATIC bringing their flavoursome guitar driven hits while upstairs in 34B GOLDFOOT and BEN LUCID play an eclectic blend of new and old for ANYTHING GOES.

UP TO OUR HIPS DJs will be taking over Q Bar for a night of our trademark blend of punk/party/indie MEGA RAVE in a room we all know has no shortage of pool tables or make-out booths.

From 11:30pm, ten bucks.

34 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst

See you at the bar!

[click here for facebook event]

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ex nuns - friday may 22 - phoenix bar

This Friday we are turning the lights down low, the music way up and the kids totally on for another rampaging EX NUNS night.

Get ready for a night of bumping and grinding in that den of debauchery PHOENIX BAR. It will be a celebration of all things dirt so dress wisely and leave your senses at the door.

The world famous UP TO OUR HIPS Djs will be providing the soundtrack, the wonderful EXCHANGE staff will keep the cheap drinks flowing and BIRRY will be handing out cuddles at the door.

For photos of previous EX NUNS and our other parties check out UPTOOURHIPS.COM

$10 / $8 ON A LIST

[facebook event]

Thursday, May 7, 2009

up to our hips confessions

When the UP TO OUR HIPS DJ's got asked to DJ Vegas at the HOT DAMN GOOD FRIDAY EVE PARTY we knew we had to come up with something special. The kids were expecting a show and we didn't want to disappoint. Hello UTOH CONFESSON BOX.

While the confession aspect didn't work out exactly how we planned, we now have a shit load of cock drawings, criticisms of our DJ skills and notes about our infamous DJ LUKEWARM.

click here to read them all

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

sex + glue - friday may 15 - oxford art factory

SEX & GLUE is back with a bang and a bandana on Friday May 15.

With all the birthdays happening this month we decided to hold a little throwback party to celebrate all things 80's, including [mostly] ourselves. Come down for our 80's party rave and pat all the birthday kids on the back. We've all done a wonderful job making it this far, especially with THE MAN always trying to get up in our shit, so we deserve a night of debaucherous excess and disastrous fashion choices.

The drinks are practically 80's prices at $4 beers and $5 spirits and the door charge is cheaper than 80's standard at $10 or $8 on a list. The party is at the very [kind of] 80's OXFORD ART FACTORY and starts at 11.45pm.

click here for sex and glue may 15 facebook event

click here for sex + glue myspace page

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

hips003 - mark c mixtape - dncflrnthms

a few words from MARK C

Hello friends, a small note about the mp3 file you are about to download:

It was completed to the stage it is now towards the end of 2008 on a computer program.

The main purpose of this MIX was to take a BANGING selection of SONGS that i had been LISTENING TO at the time and put (or mix) them together in an enjoyable and friendly manner that lasted 30 or so minutes.

Upon its (almost) completion it turns out my internet at home was thoroughly incapable up uploading anything close to a file this size so nobody ended up hearing or appraising my mix in the making. Further to that evil conglomerate AXXXXXN figured out that i had ILLEGALLY DOWNLOADED a copy of their software and somehow hacked my shit from inside the extra-net and locked the program to prevent me completing the mix and achieving BLOGHOUSE SUPERSTARDOM (my personal DJ fantasy slash dream since late 2006).

Since then I had pretty much forgotten about it - partly because i didn't really think anybody would want to bother spending 34 minutes and 8 seconds listening to something like that.. THAT IS until Dan B got a hold of it afew weeks ago.

He promptly decided is was acceptable enough to get 'released' by his popular promotions company UP TO OUR HIPS and asked me to create the little macro jpg that you see above and the small portion of text that you are reading now.

Many of the SONGS are quite dated - anywhere from 17 to 300 blog years old, but that is understandable considering its history so please enjoy it for what it is.

click here to download the mark c mixtape (free)